June 8, 2009

Black Monday

Today was supposed to be a day of hartal for most districts in Kerala. And just when people started rejoicing at the thought of one extra holiday....the oh-so-concerned party leadership directed its leaders to change the hartal into a black day. The reason being that 'public shouldn't be troubled'. Wow!!! How fortunate we are to have such responsible, duty-bound and concerned leaders ruling us.
As the day passes, we'll know how many stones have been pelted, how many people have been manhandled and how many demonstrations have been held. The schools, however, have decided to play it safe and have declared a holiday. Why? Because they fear for the kids' safety.
It's quite funny to see that the very same government that have, in the past, held successful hartals are today showing an interest in public and their convenience. Yes, the sarcasm is very evident in my words....but hey the leaders aren't giving you or me a chance to think otherwise and be hopeful.
A new set of leaders (and a few old hands too) have taken up roles at the centre for the next five years. All we can do is 'wait and watch'.

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