June 2, 2009

Her spirit and soul remains...

Madhavikutty...Kamala Das...Kamala Surayya... whatever the name, whatever the religion...her spirit and humour is envious. Let me confess, I haven't really read any of her works (have watched a few serials based on her creation)...I haven't ever met her... and I don't know much about her. My moments with her are restricted to the interviews she's given on TV and some recent articles written about her or by her.
Initially, I did find her funny and maybe a little crazy. But then there seemed to something about her, a spark, a courage, an innocence which is rare. She wrote and spoke from her heart...never once caring about the viewer or listener. She had what could probably be described as 'ignorant arrogance' or 'innocent frankness'.
She was one writer who wrote effortlessly and passionately in both malayalam and english... But sadly her creations got recognition and appreciation more in the global scene than in her native land. The 'stuck-up' malayali attitude surfaced here too. How could a woman writer about sensuality, love, lust, passion... and so the accusations went. She didn't seem to care and her words kept flowing... until now it no longer would.
I hope to try and pick up some of her books and get a taste of this phenomena called Madhavikutty...or Kamala or Surayya......

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